Reformations, Great Awakenings, and New Tidal Waves of Glory on the Horizon

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD[1]

AWAKENING EUROPE: Nuremberg, Germany July 9-12, 2015

Something is about to be unleashed in Germany this summer.                                                      

Over 20,000 people from 25 nations are going to gather together in Nuremberg, Germany July 9-12, 2015 to invite God’s Kingdom to come. In a stadium where Hitler once raised up and trained his army, Ben Fitzgerald, Todd White and others are going to gather an army of Jesus lovers to send throughout the world carrying the fire of the Holy Spirit and the love of God. Heidi Baker, Jesus Culture band, an many others have rearranged their plans to be a part of what God wants to do. Awakening Europe is just the beginning of the turning of the tide for Germany, Europe, and the world.

When I asked Ben Fitzgerald, Australian born evangelist who is also a pastor at Bethel Church Redding, why he chose Germany for this first event, he said, “God chose Germany and I said ‘yes’ to His choosing.” It was the Lord who put it his and Todd’s heart. Rather than having the people there just repent all of the time for things in the past, Ben believes “God also wants people to get to the place where they are actually walking into the fullness of what God has for them and for Europe’s future.” He sees that Germany is ripe for what God is about to do in all the earth and he believes “a great catalytic fire is going to leave Germany and go across Europe and that millions of people are going to come back to God in the next few years.”

It is in Germany’s destiny to release an army of Jesus lovers who will infiltrate the world with the Father’s love. The rest of the world will see ripple effects for eternity in what God will release at Awakening Europe; for the wells being tapped into are deep. Awakening Europe is beginning in a land steeped with rich spiritual momentum and inheritance. The Protestant Reformation, The Moravians, The Great Awakening, the Bible translated into vernacular language and printed around the world, and more has been released from this place. Germany is a land filled with momentum, reformation, and awakening to impact generations and nations.


On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther (1483-1546) lit a flame that reformed the Christianity of his day, breaking people out of religious cycles that had entrapped them for hundreds of years. It was that day when Luther posted his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg. These were translated from Latin into German, printed on the newly invented Gutenberg printing press, and then quickly spread throughout Europe.

Luther’s 95 Theses were not initially intended to be a refined amendment to the pope. Originally, this was an act of inviting people to debate over these issues within the Catholic Church. However, God breathed on his declaration for justice and it served to be the catalyst to set things in motion for the Protestant Reformation which in turn transformed a religious system.

This reformation brought religious freedom and freedom from the religious spirit. It was a revolution to release the Kingdom of God to the common people. It was in Germany where old wine skins were challenged and abolished and where new wine skins were filled to overflowing with the wine from heaven. A new paradigm for the church was released where the common person could now connect with God without having to go through a priest. The world is continuing to experience the ripple effects of one sold out Jesus lover named Martin Luther.[2]


Over 200 years later, Martin Luther’s work on the book of Romans was catalytic for another soon to be reformer named John Wesley (1703-1791). Before this happened, German Moravian missionaries already began to have a great impact on the young Englishman. While Wesley was traveling by boat to America in 1735-1736, he encountered a community of Moravians. Recalling that dangerous Sunday on February 25, 1736, Wesley wrote in his journal:

At noon our third storm began. At four it was more violent than before. At seven I went to the Germans. I had long before observed the great seriousness of their behaviour. Of their humility they had given a continual proof… In the midst of the psalm wherewith their service began, the sea broke over, split the mainsail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks, as if the great deep had already swallowed us up. A terrible screaming began among the English. The Germans calmly sung on. I asked one of them afterwards, "Was you not afraid?" He answered, "I thank God, no." I asked, "But were not your women and children afraid?" He replied, mildly, "No; our women and children are not afraid to die."[3]

Wesley was deeply impacted by the Moravian’s trust in God in the midst of the storms. While he feared for his life, they rested secure in the Father’s love. He arrived safely to America and then upon his return to England a year later, he met another German Moravian missionary named Peter Böhler, who had just been ordained by Nicolaus von Zinzendorf. They immediately struck up a friendship and regularly spoke about theological matters.[4]

Wesley’s interactions with the Germans caused him to rethink his theology. After struggling with his own faith and being challenged by the peace and assurance found in his new friends, on May 24, 1738 in London, he “went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans.”[5] While there, he encountered God like never before. He wrote,

About a quarter before nine, while he [the minister] was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.[6]

Wesley was marked by the love of God like never before. Not long after this encounter, he went to Herrnhut, Germany for three months so he could receive even more impartation from the Moravians. He returned back home to England just in time for New Year’s Eve where he got together with his community to pray and worship into the New Year. He recalled this time together:

About three in the morning, as we were continuing instant in prayer, the power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried out for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground. As soon as we were recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of his Majesty, we broke out with one voice, "We praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.”[7]

God crashed in on this community of saints in the early hours of New Year’s Day. This gathering of hearts became the catalytic flame to ignite the Great Awakening.

Following this outpouring, Wesley and some of his friends began open air preaching and releasing the Kingdom of God wherever they went. He and his brother Charles, later founded the Methodist Movement where they raised up, trained, and launched many lay people into the ministry. Another new paradigm for church was born. The Methodist movement later gave birth to the Holiness movement, which greatly contributed to the Pentecostal movement. Today there are over 80 million members in 133 countries under the World Methodist Council, not including other churches that have been influenced by Wesley’s legacy.[8]

Wesley opened his heart and was able to receive an impartation of God’s great inheritance from the Germans who trusted God deeply and loved to live in community together. Part of the reason Methodism has lasted so long is because it was housed in relationships and discipleship. Everywhere that Methodism has influenced can trace its roots back to the Germans.


German soil is embedded with Reformation and Awakening. Courage and Community marked these movements that are still impacting the world today. The things that come from Germany are not just for one generation; they impact generations. I did not even have time to mention Johannes Gutenberg, Johann Christoph Blumhardt, George Müller, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhard Bonnke, and the many other legends that also arose from German soil who all made an impact far beyond their own nation and generation.[9]

This is part of the legacy of Germany; this is part of the inheritance we can tap into. Awakening Europe is about raising up an army of Jesus lovers who will bring billions of souls into the new harvest. God wants to raise up people who will live such sold out lives that their offering to God will be felt generations from now. Great great great grandchildren will be impacted by how God is going to shake Germany this summer.

In line with the legacy and momentum already built in Germany, Ben’s dream for Germany and Europe is that Jesus will become a household name. His prayer is that “religious denominational barriers would be broken down, and that there would be a hunger in people to see others come back to God.” He is believing for a “majority, not a minority, of European people” who will be talking about Jesus and be born again. His dream is that millions of people over the next 5 years will be saved.

In preparation for Awakening Europe, Ben encourages us to “open wide the gates of our hearts for the King of glory to come in and to take over.” He wants each one to capture God’s heart for the nations and personally know the manifest love of Christ. His desire is that we “receive a vision of God’s love individually ” so we can “supernaturally be full of Jesus and be free.” When this happens, it’s going to affect everyone around us.

What if the presence and glory of God is so powerful and becomes so prevalent in our daily lives that people encounter His transformative love when they encounter us?

It’s coming. Prepare your hearts. God is gathering an army of Reformed and Awakened hearts.

It’s time to arise. It’s time to find those other burning ones who will say “yes” to wherever God leads. Find your people, and run. Run with everything inside of you into His loving arms and bring as many people as you can into that space of His glory love. Prepare your hearts for what is coming. Prepare your spirits for the biggest outpouring and Tsunami wave of revival ever to hit the earth.

The momentum has already begun. Martin Luther, the Moravians, and many others have been preparing the way. The wave has been building from generation to generation. It’s not a new wave; it’s a wave of synergy and momentum that has been forming for centuries. Layer upon layer. It’s a wave of Reformation, Great Awakening, Revival and more; and it’s rapidly on its way. Position yourselves exactly where He wants you to be in this season. Total consecration, total surrender, and total possession of the Holy Spirit are a must for this coming wave of glory not to crush us. Walk in purity, passion, and total obedience so that when the swell comes you are positioned to ride the wildest wave of your life. Ben says, “Maybe the great move of God we are waiting for will simply come when we make a move.” I agree. Grab your board and jump in. Its time to paddle out towards the horizon and position yourself to surf the biggest wave history has ever seen!

[1] Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD, is the Founding Director of Destiny House Redding, revival historian, ordained Iris Minister, and author who is excited to partner with what God is doing in Germany this summer. You can learn more about her and her ministry at

[2] The section on Martin Luther comes from an article by Jennifer A. Miskov entitled, “How Halloween is a Catalytic Day for Reformation, Revival, and Destiny” on

[3]John Wesley, The Journal of John Wesley, inThe Heart of John Wesley’s Journal, ed. Percy Livingstone Parker (London: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1903), 6-8. See Bill Johnson with Jennifer A. Miskov, Defining Moments (Whitaker House 2016) to learn more about Wesley’s defining moment.

[4]Wesley, The Journal of John Wesley, 33. Further, Böhler was 25. See John Telford, The Life of John Wesley (New York: Hunt and Eaton, originally 1924 but copyrighted 1998 through Wesleyan Heritage Publications), 96.

[5] Martin Luther, “Preface to the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans,” can be accessed here:

[6] Wesley, The Journal of John Wesley, 42-45.

[7]“Mon. Jan. 1, 1739. Mr. Hall, Kinchin, Ingham, Whitefield, Hutchins, and my brother Charles, were present at our love-feast in Fetter-lane, with about sixty of our brethren…” John Wesley, The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley in Everyman’s Library vol.1, ed. Ernest Rhys (London: J.M. Dent & Sons Limited, London, 1906), 169. Accessed on;view=1up;seq=10

[8] accessed June 18, 2015.

[9] See Jennifer A. Miskov, “Coloring Outside the Lines: Pentecostal Parallels with Expressionism. The Work of the Spirit in Place, Time, and Secular Society?” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 19 (2010) 94–117 to learn how German Expressionism ties into the mix and Jennifer A. Miskov, Life on Wings: The Forgotten Life and Theology of Carrie Judd Montgomery (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2012) to learn more about the development of faith and healing homes in which Johann Cristoph Blumhardt played a part.

Jennifer Miskov
Stepping into a New Season of Impossibilities

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD

Isaiah 43:16-19

"This is what the Lord says - He who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters...'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past (unless feasting on His faithfulness and testimonies of old). See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.'"

As I reflect on what God did one year ago when I didn’t have a plane ticket but showed up at the airport by faith anyway, I am undone by His goodness. The above passage was one that I mediated on weeks before the miracle happened. I needed God to part the waters of impossibilities on my behalf. Several days before my miracle occurred, I texted a friend and said, "I am believing God will make a way and that this testimony will be sent out to dismantle strongholds of fear and infuse this generation with hope in a God who loves to love us!" This is my prayer for you today as you read the full testimony or watch the video. May this story inspire you to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit regardless of the circumstances. May hope and faith arise in you to follow your heart and dive deep into the community God has for you in this season.

Who are your people in this season?

God so loves family, friends, and relationships. In the midst of transitions, the question I always ask myself and encourage others to ask is not necessarily where, what, or how but who? Who do you feel God is aligning you to run with in this next season? What do you most burn for and who else burns for the same thing (Healing, Revival, Family, Evangelism, Glory, Missions)? Our destiny is found deep within God’s heart and also within the hearts of the people He has called us to run with. How can you position yourself to dive deep into relationship with God and with the community He has for you to synergize with in this season? What does your dream of this look like for the summer?

I believe that today marks a new season in our lives. New friendships and partnerships will form this summer that weren’t there before. You will go deeper in existing friendships while at the same time celebrate and thank God for a season of life you had with some friends who are now transitioning to other things. As you step out in faith towards the impossibilities God has put in your heart, those who are called to run with you in a deeper way will arise. Stay in peace, through all the change, God’s got you and remains faithful and present. Cling to your best friend Jesus who never will leave you and is always so for you.

Yesterday afternoon, Carmella, one of the ladies who lives at Destiny House, started screaming and praising Jesus really loud downstairs when I was relaxing in my room above. Not long later she came running into my room explosive with excitement. She told me that when she was packing up, she came across a book she had for Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries about the life of healing revivalist William Branham. For whatever reason that book caught her eye more than the others so she decided to browse through it, only to find 11 $20 bills right in the middle of the book. The book has been kept on the shelf for some time and she has no idea how the money got there, but God… She said, “What an incredible answer to prayer!!! God is SO good. Lost for words, other than screaming down the house. Thank you Jesus! Life note to self: In God's Kingdom I am not bound by lack or limitation. Amen.”

So in regards to Miracle Flights or Miracle money appearing from out of nowhere, God is good and loves to bless His kids who follow their hearts and don’t look back. May you receive an incredible impartation of courage to follow your heart today, clinging to Jesus your only hope. As you step out, may you see God do miracles on your behalf, simply because He loves you. Amen.

Jennifer Miskov
God is Near in the Day of Decision

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD (originally posted on May 23, 2015)

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” Joel 3:14

Blessings over each of you during this time of transition! I want to encourage you to dive into this glorious yet beautifully dangerous path to the season ahead. I use the word dangerous because we are about to embark on a wild adventure where we must throw off all constraints and cling fearlessly to our Father in heaven. Many of us are being led by the Spirit onto the edge of a cliff where there is nothing but an unknown abyss welcoming us below. The wind of the Spirit is coming behind and leading us closer to the edge. As we are about to jump into the unknown, our only option is to cling to Jesus and trust that He is going to give us wings to fly or will catch us. This movement into the unknown is good and is actually the Lord leading us into a new level of intimacy and trust with Him.

This is what it felt like for me nearly 1 year ago when I set off for the San Francisco airport without a plane ticket. It was at the airport that I experienced God move mountains to get me to England for my friend’s wedding the following day. Next week, I celebrate the 1 year anniversary of that miracle flight. It is not surprising to me that nearly everyone I speak with is experiencing major transition right now. People are moving, transitioning jobs, graduating, birthing babies, or getting married. God is very near in the day of decision and in the midst of transition. Hold tight to Him and trust that all this shifting and change is actually Him working to align you to be perfectly positioned for what is coming next. Press into Him and trust that He is for you and working on your behalf behind the scenes (Romans 8).

As I enter into this new season ahead, the Lord has been speaking to me a lot through Joshua 3 to encourage me. Joshua was leading his tribe into a new season and into a new land. Right before Joshua was about to do the impossible and part the Jordan (in a similar way that his predecessor Moses parted the Red Sea), he encouraged his people to be led by the presence of God into this next breakthrough.

“After three days the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people: ‘When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before…’”  Joshua 3:2-4

We, too, are being led into the depths of uncertainty in order to enter a place we have never been before. We are about to go deeper in the Spirit, in relationships, in seeing God’s Kingdom come, and in being a part of an outpouring of the Spirit greater than we have ever experienced or even heard about before. We must stay true to the Word but also listen to His voice and follow His presence wherever He leads, even into unusual places.

In preparation for this great breakthrough, Joshua also called his tribe to wholly and totally consecrate themselves so they could focus on stepping into the impossibility before them.

Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’” Joshua 3:5

It’s time to focus and be totally set apart so we can step into all that God has for us in this upcoming season. Don’t be distracted from what God is really doing all around you. And don’t be surprised if God leads you into unlikely places or takes you somewhere you have never been before. Something beautiful and marked with destiny is on the other side of this challenge, trial, transition, fight you are facing. Put your hope in God, fix your eyes on Jesus, and be completely led by the peace in your heart and presence of God during this time. You are about to step onto ground and go places that you have never ventured to before. I bless you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, worship Him even more fiercely, be knit together in the tribe He wants you to run with in this season, and be filled with courage to cling to Him always. Enjoy the ride and know always that He is right there with you, positioning you for greater destiny, glory, and synergy.

Jennifer Miskov
The Baby is Here! Courageous New Beginnings

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD

I declare that Today is the Day of Courageous New Beginnings

“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice,‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’”

John 7:37-38 (NIV)

Last Friday (April 24, 2015) our Destiny House family got to be a part of something unforgettable. I was having trouble sleeping Thursday evening so I decided to listen to the Bible on audio. Normally I turn my phone off at night, but since I fell asleep listening to the Word, my phone was left on. Then at 5:16am, I got the call we had all been waiting for. Bethany said it was go time. After believing the baby was coming previous weekend, we were all on baby watch. Now, nearly a week overdue, it was finally time. I sent out the call to everyone who lives at Destiny House. Not long later, we all gathered on the middle floor.

Part of the destiny of our community is to launch people into their destinies from a place of God’s presence and connection with family. We gathered together to worship so that Baby Hess’ first introduction into this world would be in the glory. Bethany was upstairs in a tub of water while we worshiped, danced, prayed, and celebrated what God was bringing into our world. It was an incredible honor to worship as we waited to hear of what was coming next. We were encountering God in unique and beautiful ways while Bethany was upstairs focusing on one thing.

Baby Hess was birthed into this world at 7:37am in the upper room of Destiny House. I encountered God powerfully during the time of her birth while we were worshipping downstairs. I even had to be taken back to my room while everyone else filtered into the house for our 8am regular worship meeting. Our extended community stepped into an environment that had already been pregnant with God’s manifest presence for hours. The momentum continued to build until God began birthing new things in many who showed up that day. It was a sacred moment. We ended up worshipping for six hours straight. Something beautiful and powerful was released that morning in the aftermath of our first physical birth in Destiny House. We have birthed many things before here like missionaries, ministries, businesses, books, CD’s, friendships, dances, callings, and destinies but there was something prophetic for what God did that Friday morning.

The baby was birthed in the upper room of Destiny House. This third floor is the place of promises fulfilled. The third floor was released to us to rent less than a year ago, which meant total alignment for our community. Baby Hess was born into an atmosphere of worship when the entire community came together from 5:30am gathered together for one purpose. Baby Hess was also born in the water. We also believe that the time of 7:37am is important and prophesies into our future season from John 7:37-38.

“On the last and climatic day of the Feast, Jesus took his stand. He cried out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says.’” (MSG) 

“On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, ‘Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (NLT)

We also are in the last days of an old season and about to step into a new one. It was on the last days, the finale of a festival, the ending of a season that Jesus stood up and SHOUTED. Meek and mild Jesus shouted! Maybe He had something important to say. Maybe He was urging us to partake because it was important. How many other times does Jesus shout, speak in a loud voice, or cry out? What He had to say then and what He has to say in this verse now and today entering into this new season is important.

Jesus alone is the well we must drink from. Now is a time to renounce any wells we have run to for satisfaction. He alone wants to be the Source who meets our needs and fill our hearts. He alone must be our well of Living Water in this season. I urge you to renounce any well that is not Him and lay it at His feet. Now is a time to have no other lovers but Him. Today is the day to be single focused; to press in so you can release what God is about to birth in and through you. Bethany could not be distracted with what she was going to do next week or think about anything else but pushing out the baby. It took all her energy and her focus.

What is our generation is pregnant with the next Jesus People Movement, the next Welsh Revival, the next Jesus Awakening? Now is the time to focus on Jesus and remember why you were born. What were some of the promises and dreams He put in your heart long ago? What are some of the key prophetic words that have been spoken over your life? What makes you thrive and come alive? Who are you midwives in this season? I urge you to throw anything aside that would distract or hinder you (Hebrews 12:1-3; Romans 12:1-2) and to step into what you were born for, who you were born to be. Don’t look back. Now is your time.

I believe that what happened at Destiny House and within this community is prophetic for what God wants to do and declare over this generation. The baby was born. Fenna Sunrise Hess was born in the context of family and worship. Her name means Courageous New Beginnings. The time of revival has come. It is here. It is now. Rise up. Arise and shine. Now is the time you were made for. You were born for this. Step in.

Just before Azusa Street Revival was birthed in the early 1900s, participant and intercessor Frank Bartleman declared:

The current of revival is sweeping by our door. ‘Pentecost’ is knocking at our doors. The revival for our country is no longer a question. Slowly but surely the tide has been rising until in the very near future we believe for a deluge of salvation that will sweep all before it. Wales will not long stand alone in this glorious triumph for our Christ. The spirit of reviving is coming upon us, driven by the breath of God, the Holy Ghost. The clouds are gathering rapidly, big with a mighty rain, whose precipitation lingers but a little.[i]

Revival is upon us; it is now at our door. It is here today. The nation of Australia has called the world to pray and fast this week from April 30-May 6, 2015 for revival in United States. What does God want to do this week? Maybe now is our time as a generation to stand up and shine. Maybe now is the time for each one of us to throw off anything that might hold us back and run fiercely into the arms of the One that loves us more than we could ever imagine. Maybe now is the time when we will strip ourselves from offenses, unforgiveness, doubts, and anything that hinders and choose to be united to see God’s Kingdom come in love and power like never before. Maybe now is the defining moment our generation was born for to step into our Promised Land.

If you feel a stirring but don’t know what to do or where to go next, don’t fear. Jesus is the WAY, the Truth, and the Life. All your answers are found in Him. When you don’t know what else to do, dive even deeper into His presence. He is the well of living water. We must come to Him and Him alone to drink and to find life, satisfaction, purpose, and destiny. Abraham was told to leave his country but had no idea where he was to go next. Sometimes we don’t know where to go but we know we can’t stay in our present situation. That’s okay. Lean into Him and respond to His leading even if it doesn’t make sense. He will get you to where you need to be as you trust in Him. As you dive even deeper into the well of Living Water and lean into Him, may streams of living waters burst from your belly; may floodgates of the Spirit explode inside of you, leaving a path of God’s Kingdom come wherever you go.

There’s a call to go deeper still in this season. Will you dive in? Now is the time. Do not be afraid. He will gently and violently guide you into the secret places of His heart, revealing things that will mark you for life with His unending love.

I bless you with single-minded focus in this season (Psalm 27). I pray that an unquenchable thirst for Jesus alone would arise within you and that you would cling to Him alone. May you become one with Him like never before. In the remaining few days of this closing season, I pray you would be refined in the fire so nothing impure can enter into the next season with you. I pray you would finish well, be consumed with Jesus alone, and that there would be such a mighty outpouring of the Spirit in your life that it would propel you into the new season with momentum, acceleration, overflow, love, courage, and increased power in Jesus’ name, Amen.

To listen to more on this subject when Jen released this similar word in reference to the Welsh Revival to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry April 14, 2015 go HERE.

[i] Frank Bartleman, How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles: As it was in the Beginning 2nd Edition (Los Angeles, CA: Frank Bartleman, originally April 1925), 39 and now printed by Christian Classic Ethereal Library (Grand Rapids, MI) accessible

Jennifer Miskov
A New Kind of Christmas Present

by Jennifer A. Miskov

Originally written on 12/10/2007 in England

Is there even more freely available to us in this moment if we just ask? See what one woman of God wrote over 100 years ago in relation to this...

“There is no joy that in any way compares with the joy of the fullness of the Holy Ghost. Reader, do you know the joy of the Lord? Have you received that peace that passeth understanding? Are you able to bear ridicule for Jesus’ sake, with sweetness and forbearance? Are you able to give witness day by day in your daily life, and by your words, of Jesus’ power to save? If not, then you need to be empowered by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire to live a victorious life, and to obey the command to Jesus to make disciples. Matt. 28:19,20. Let me urge you to seek this great blessing which was promised to us by the Father. ‘How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him.’ ‘Ask and it shall be given you.’ Luke 11:13,9.”

Written by Minnie Abrams in 1906 and taken from her booklet The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. She was a missionary with Pandita Ramabai in the Mukti Revival in India.

Have we experienced this full measure of God’s presence and Spirit in our lives today? It was at the heart of The Azusa Street Revival and other global centers during the birth of the Pentecostal movement at the beginning of the twentieth century. People hungry to experience the Holy Spirit completely through Spirit baptism is at the heart of early Pentecostal history.

I do think it is important to not become too obsessed in seeking out an experience. But at the same time, what if we are missing out on something because God has such a wonderful gift He wants to give us, yet we are not seeking it out, not taking hold of the already promised gift. This already promised gift that people in the early twentieth century took hold of affected their lives greatly. From 1906-1910, more than 50 countries were visited by missionaries that came out of the Azusa Street revival. That is a pretty amazing statistic coming from a movement that at its core was made up of people hungry to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The gift of tongues following that experience was also of great importance for the people back then. Many people experienced greater anointing, increased satisfaction in Christ, more conviction to evangelize, and deeper love than they had before.

So what if this CHRISTmas time, God wants to give us a new gift, a new present that we haven’t experienced thus far. This gift won’t save us, for we have already received His Son. But this new present coming in the form of the Holy Spirit rather than a baby wrapped up in swaddling cloths may have a significant and profound effect on our lives as it did others a century before us. This CHRISTmas time, maybe it is time to specifically ask God for a new gift. It doesn’t hurt to ask and the results may be astonishing, as they were in the early 1900s. And even if we have already experience this Spirit baptism, why not ask to be baptized again in the floods of His immense love? Holy Spirit flood us afresh today I pray!

Jennifer Miskov
A Love you can't Escape at Christmas time

I wrote this when I lived in England sometime around 2010 and wanted to re-release it because it is always good to be reminded of such a relentless and all consuming love freely accessible to us today. Be blessed with a fresh baptism of the Father's love...

This is a picture of my friend Craig holding his newborn baby who came into the world just 5 days before this shot was taken. For me this is such a beautiful reminder for Christmas on two different levels. First, it reminds me how Jesus obediently chose to leave the perfect union He had with the Father for the sole purpose of living a life He knew would be filled with suffering. Regardless of the risks He would have to take, Jesus chose to come, not as the victorious King, but rather as a completely vulnerable and dependent baby.  He did this because of such an intense and amazing love for each one of us.

Can you believe that someone would knowingly engage in a life that would be filled with suffering all because of the joy that would one day be set before Him? This joy of knowing us and loving us was greater than the pain (Hebrews 12). I am awe struck at Jesus’ relentless passion and pursuit of our hearts at any cost, in fact, at all costs. Such perfect love pursues us today, even when we feel lonely and rejected and unwanted. Let us remember the extreme and ultimate journey Jesus embarked on in our behalf, for the purpose of knowing us and inviting us into the immense measure of love found in Him.

On the other level, this picture also reminds me of God the Father’s love. It is easy to see that in the father’s eyes, his son can do no wrong. He is loved perfectly exactly how he is. Not only did God the Father send His son as a baby into this world, but He did it so that we could have relationship with Him. And the beautiful thing is, just as my friend Craig is adoring his baby, so God the Father adores us, exactly as we are. We don’t have to do a thing to earn His love. We don’t have to be good enough, pure enough, righteous enough, or do enough good works, but He loves us just exactly the way we are here and now, today in this moment. And the beautiful thing is, this will never change. I know many of us already know these facts but I also understand that sometimes it is the hardest thing to simply receive this great big love.

Let us take even 5 minutes today to stop and picture ourselves as the child in the Father’s arms and simply receive the acceptance, delight, and joy that emanates from His face onto us, His beloved children. May the Holy Spirit still our lives and open our hearts to receive an increased measure of the Father’s love. May each one of us be blessed this Christmas season and be reminded of the intense, persistent, and passionate love that has been demonstrated on our behalf.

For those hungrier still, there is another gift that is also freely available to those who want to open and receive it…Check out "A New kind of Christmas Present"to learn more.

Much love and peace to each of you during this season,


Tapping into the Power of the Testimony: Launching into Greater Destiny

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

“This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’” Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)

What is the Power of the Testimony?

Testimony is a critical part of partnering with God to fulfill all that He has called us to do and to become; it is essential for stepping into our fullest destiny in Him. Testimony is recounting or re-telling a story of how God moved in one’s life. In releasing and remembering the history of God, faith is released in the atmosphere. Testimony comes from root word that means “to do again.” Bill Johnson talks about how releasing a testimony creates an atmosphere for the miracle to be duplicated; testimony is about wanting God to do it again. He states that “Testimony is the Spirit of Prophecy.” If prophecy causes change in present events, then releasing a testimony is like prophesying into the future.[1]

The Israelites’ biggest mistake was in forgetting the testimonies of the things God had done on their behalf. Disregarding God’s faithfulness caused one whole generation to miss out on their destiny. This forgetfulness was where they first went wrong when they got themselves into trouble. God wanted them to remember what He had done on their behalf because He knew that it would be strength to help propel them into a new and greater season.

Surfing: Tapping into the Currents of Testimony [2]

The Power of the Testimony is like surfing. The place where I grew up bodyboarding and surfing is in Newport Beach, California. At this beach there are jetties, or rock piles, spaced along the beach every 4 blocks. If surfers do not know this surf spot, they might paddle out in the middle of the 2 jetties. Because they are unaware of the landscape and the currents, it will take that person much longer to paddle out to get to the big waves. They will hopefully still make it out to the big waves, however, they will be more exhausted and it will take them twice as long to get there. They will also likely receive a greater pounding on their paddle out and have to overcome more resistance. On the contrary, the locals know that the best place to paddle out is right next to the jetty/rock pile because there is a current there. They know that this current will take them out to the big waves with minimal paddling and duck diving (going under oncoming waves). This choice may look dangerous to the onlooker because it is so near the rocks. However, because the locals know the currents, they will make it out to the big waves using half the energy and in half the time. They have learned the art of tapping into the specific currents that will get them to the big waves.

This is the beauty of the power of the testimony. It is simply tapping into the faith currents of those who have come before to launch us out even further into the big waves of what God is doing in our generation. We can pull not only from Scripture and prophetic words but also from testimonies of those who have come before us. We can ride their faith stream to deeper breakthrough and destiny. When we discover the currents of those who have come before us, we won’t have to paddle so hard. Tapping into these faith streams can take us farther than we could go on our own. They can take us deeper in God than we’ve ever know. They can make us brave.

Healing Revivalist Carrie Judd Montgomery (1848-1956) and Destiny House [3]

It was in part from tapping into Carrie Judd Montgomery’s testimony that increased my own faith in stepping out to establish Destiny House. Even though Carrie Judd Montgomery had only enough money for the first few months rent, she was not afraid to step out in faith to establish one of the earliest healing homes in the country in the 1880s. By one decision of responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit against all odds while in her early 20s, Carrie’s healing homes have outlasted her and continue on to this day, over 100 years later. The Home of Peace in Oakland, California was founded by Carrie in 1893 and became a place for people to experience healing. It also became a meeting place for prominent leaders to encounter God together and be baptized with the Holy Spirit. This historic revival center is still open today. If you are ever in the area, I highly suggest a visit.[4]

During a time when I had no car, no job, and was desperate to find the right place to live, I pulled from Carrie’s testimony and followed in her footsteps. I felt the Lord was leading me to a certain house but did not yet know why. I held tightly to Carrie’s testimony as I stepped out in faith towards this impossibility. I hoped I was not making the biggest mistake of my life although at that time I couldn’t be certain. It would either be the biggest mistake of my life or my biggest breakthrough. With fear and trembling, I chose to believe that if God could do something powerful and long lasting through Carrie Judd Montgomery’s act of faith, He could do the same through mine. I decided to take out all the money I had towards the first month’s rent and deposit of the house. From that one decision in February 2012, standing on Carrie’s testimony and Scriptures of old (Ephesians 3:20, Matthew 6:33, Philippians 1:6), God came through to establish the beginning foundations for what would later be called Destiny House.

Since acquiring the first floor, less than 6 months later we were able to also rent the bottom floor. Two years later, the top floor was released for us to rent. This meant that the whole home and community who lived there was now set aside for one thing, to worship Jesus and give Him praise in the context of family for the next 100 years straight. Influenced by Carrie’s Home of Peace and building on those testimonies, we believe that as God’s presence is cultivated in that space over time, people will walk by or walk in and instantly be healed because of the saturated measure of God’s presence flowing from a unified soil. Standing on and pulling from Carrie’s testimony played a crucial role in this breakthrough. Riding on Carrie’s faith stream, I was able to break deeper into my destiny.

4 Streams of the Testimony

There are 4 streams of the testimony that I regularly tap into to be launched into a greater measure of my destiny.

  1. Scripture and stories of old
  2. Revivalists and people of faith from the past
  3. Present day testimonies of God working through people today
  4. Your personal God history

In the earlier days of my Christian walk, I tapped into the stream of feasting on testimonies of old found in the Bible. After this, I discovered another stream found in revival history. I became inspired by the great faith of those who have come before. I have also been able to tap into the stream of testimonies of present day heroes of the faith. As my journey with the Lord has grown, I have developed my own history with Him. In addition to tapping into the faith of those who have come before, I can now pull from my own testimonies to launch me even deeper into my destiny. Discovering the value of the power of the testimony has been a process. Now, it is life to my soul. Tapping into these streams of testimony have helped launch me from California to England with no money in my pocket, establish Destiny House, and release healing, courage, and faith to many.

Miracle Flying [5]

In one crazy breakthrough that happened not long after we acquired all three floors of Destiny House, I was able to integrate all 4 of the testimony streams. I felt led of the Spirit to go to England for my friend’s wedding May 30, 2014. However, the necessary funds never came in. In fact, the opposite happened when I got hit with unexpected taxes about a month before. It was impossible for me to buy the $1600 plane ticket to England. Even with these set backs just a week before the wedding, I still felt that God was sending me to England for such a time as this.

In this situation, I integrated all 4 aspects of tapping into the testimony to move toward my stepping into the impossible. I feasted on Isaiah 43:16-19 which says, “This is what the Lord says – he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters…Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” I reminded myself of Moses standing before the impossibility of the Red Sea and I asked God to do the same thing again in my situation.

I also feasted on testimonies of those from the past. I remembered the story of a Welsh man named Rees Howells who stepped out in faith to get in line to buy a train ticket even though he didn’t have the funds. By the time he got into the front of the line, someone had pulled him aside and had given him the money to cover the ticket. I also remembered the story of when John G. Lake was led of the Spirit to sail to South Africa with his wife and 7 children even though he had only $1.50 to his name. This was not nearly enough to cover the $125 immigration tax he would need to pay to get off the boat once they landed. When they arrived in South Africa, he got in line trusting the Lord. When he got near the front, someone tapped him on the shoulder and gave him $200. Further, once they got off the boat, they had enough to board a train from Cape Town to Johannesburg. They had no idea where they were going to stay that night. The whole family prayed in the train for God to break through. At their arrival, a lady they had never met before came up to them gave them a furnished cottage she felt led of the Lord to give them.[6] Recounting Howells’ and Lake’s testimonies increased my own faith and courage. I saw that it was only after they stepped out in faith that God then backed them up and made a way.

I also sought present day heroes who I knew had experienced a similar breakthrough of the one I was contending for. I asked Heidi Baker to share a similar testimony so I could build my own faith. She shared her story of how she felt led to go to New York from Los Angeles but all she had was $100. She showed up at the airport by faith believing that if God called her somewhere, then He would get her there. While there, right before her eyes a special sale came up for a flight from L.A. to New York for only $99.

In addition to these faith stories, I also recounted personal testimonies of how God moved similarly on my behalf to get me to where He was leading me. I remembered my trip from England to Minnesota for an academic conference where I first released the paper that would later be published as Spirit Flood: Rebirth of Spirit Baptism for the 21st Century. It was after I had already stepped out in faith, that upon my return, scholarship money was released to help cover my trip. I remembered my trip to Toronto for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Toronto Blessing with Randy Clark where I ended up getting a plane ticket for only $66 from the airline. It was also only while I was there, that God then made a way for me to get into the conference. I also only had enough money for about 3 night’s stay out of the 7 in a hotel room but He sent a friend to join me there to split the costs for part of the time. Then when I didn’t have anywhere to stay for the last 2 nights, God provided a free hotel room to share from some of the Iris Ministries family there. These testimonies helped build my faith for the impossible adventure I was about to embark on.

Along with my carry on suitcase and some prayers, I packed these testimonies as I headed to the San Francisco Airport by faith believing that God was sending me to England for such a time as this. All I had at that point was a full tank of gas. When I stopped at Carrie Judd Montgomery’s Home of Peace in Oakland on the way down, beginning signs of breakthrough emerged. As soon as I arrived, someone pulled me aside and gave me a check of $500 towards my journey. I received this as confirmation of the promise that God was sending me to the U.K. for such a time as this.

The next day I knew I had to get on a flight out of San Francisco Airport by that evening if I was going to be able to make the wedding. That morning, I recounted God’s faithfulness in my own life and community by wearing a necklace that reminding me of a testimony of God’s pleasure, faithfulness, and doing exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask, hope, dream, or imagine. I needed another Ephesians 3:20 moment to happen that day so I strategically placed this sign of a previous testimony around my neck as a stone of remembrance of His faithfulness.[7]

Then before heading to the San Francisco Airport, we went and soaked in worship and in God’s presence in the chapel at the Home of Peace. There was no striving, just resting in the promises of God, feasting on the testimonies of old, meditating on Isaiah 43, and enjoying Him. At noon, it was time to go. While at the airport and in the last hours, God broke through miraculously through the Body of Christ and favor from on high to get me to where I needed to be. The next day after my journey, I had the privilege and honor of celebrating my friend’s wedding in England. God turned water to wine on my behalf because of family. I never would have gotten that far if it wasn’t for the testimonies of those who had done similar things and paved the way for me in the past. Another side note, while in the UK, I also had the opportunity to visit Rees Howells’ Bible school which kind of brought things full circle since it was in part by pulling from his faith that I had enough courage to step out myself. This is just one example of the many testimonies and miracles that have happened simply by walking in the leading of the Holy Spirit and recounting the testimonies of old.

Stewarding the Testimony to Release Impartation

Carrie Judd Montgomery wrote an account of her healing testimony in a little book called The Prayer of Faith in 1880 that spread around the world and released healing to many. Many people who read her book back then and even people who have read it today have experienced healing as a result. So just as Carrie Judd regularly did in freely giving away what she had freely received (Matthew 10:8), so you can do the same. If you have been healed, release that testimony to others so that they can experience hope and healing. If you have received a breakthrough in one area and you know of someone else who needs breakthrough in that area, share your story. Stewarding your own testimony to release breakthrough and impartation to others is a powerful way to advance and accelerate the kingdom of God in and through your life.

Stewarding the Testimony to Launch into Your Destiny

Not only is stewarding the testimony powerful for imparting unto others, it can also be a source of catalytic power within your own life to launch you into a greater measure of your destiny. In addition to my Miracle UK Flight, another time God used this in my life happened in late 2011. After my 4 years in England, I positioned myself to move from Southern California to what I believed would become the land of my dreams in Redding, California. I had a feeling that I would have to walk through the fire to remain. In preparation for this journey in following my heart towards what I hoped was the Lord, I decided to write a testimony of what God had done in my life in a booklet called Water to Wine: Experiencing God in the Canary Islands. I wrote this selfishly and mainly for me to have a record of what God had recently done. I had a feeling I would need this testimony to get me through what I was about to face.

I was so thankful that God led me to steward the testimony and write the book because it became an anchor of hope for me. During one of the hardest and most stretching times of my life, I feasted on that testimony and reminded myself of how God had turned “water to wine” in my own life. It was my hope that He could do it again even though my circumstances revealed the opposite. Just having received a PhD and then been ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global, I found myself supposedly in the land of my dreams but living on a blow up air mattress on the floor in a friend’s house without a car or a job. This did not feel like what I had dreamed of. It was a humbling experience. All throughout that time I read and re-read Water to Wine. I knew I must remember God’s faithfulness and the breakthroughs He did on my account in the past. I knew I must meditate on His promises for me. This surf trip testimony where I experienced the love of the Father more than ever before in my entire life kept hope alive in me when circumstances could have easily shattered it. I was thankful I stewarded my own testimony in that season, for it was the very thing that God used as a pillar to give me strength to break into a greater measure of my destiny in Him. Stewarding my own testimony was used in part to break me into my destiny of establishing Destiny House.

I encourage you to remember to tap into your own testimonies as you step out in faith towards deeper waters of the things of God. Stewarding the testimony is not only beneficial to release impartation for God to do those same miracles again in the lives of others around us; it is also a source of strength to launch us even deeper into our own destinies.

Activating the Testimony

You have heard some of my stories of how God used the power of the testimony to stir up my faith and give me greater courage to step out into my destiny and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit even into impossible situations. Now I want you encourage you to think of 3 times in your own journey where God has come through for you. When did you experience God’s faithfulness or love in a special way? When did He heal you or someone through your prayers? When did God breakthrough for you when you were in a financial crunch? When did He provide friends when you needed them the most or the perfect place to live at just the right time? Spend some time with the Holy Spirit and listen to what emerges when you seek to remember God’s faithfulness in your own life.

Then write out 3 testimonies that came to mind on separate 3x5 cards along with a Bible verse that ties into that breakthrough. For example, maybe a story of a financial breakthrough came to mind. Write down a brief summary of the testimony and then pair it with promises from God like Philippians 4:19. Feel free to also add any prophetic words in relation to this theme.

Once you accumulate more and more of these 3x5 testimony cards, these will be like ammo of hope for you during stretching times. If you are struggling with health issues, remember when God has healed you in the past. If you are struggling to recognize God’s faithfulness in your own life, pull from the testimony of Carrie Judd Montgomery and others. As you continue on your journey in Christ and stay aware of what God is doing, more and more personal testimonies will fill your life.

Feel free to be creative beyond 3x5 cards and paint these stories, print pictures of these breakthrough moments and have them framed and up in your house, wear them as icons of hope in a necklace. Have these testimonies surrounding you so that when you face a similar challenge or struggle, you can cling to these promises and testimonies to encourage your spirit with hope, promise, and abundant life. These symbols can be like stones of remembrance surrounding you to help you to remember and celebrate what God has done in the past. This will help you continue to move forward into even greater measures of your destiny.

May you remain intimate with God in the secret place and knit together with community always. I declare hope over you and release courage to take steps of faith towards the impossibilities the Holy Spirit is leading you to. As you tap into the faith currents of those who have come before, I pray you be propelled into a greater measure of your destiny beyond what you could hope, dream, or imagine.

To learn more about this topic see



[1] Bill Johnson Video on The Power of the Testimony . He also says, “Power is when you catch a wave. Authority is when you start the wave.”

[2] See video where Jennifer A. Miskov shares about the power of the testimony and legacy of Carrie Judd Montgomery at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry for the whole of the 1st year class on April 9, 2014

[3] See


[5] See Jennifer A. Miskov, “Step into the Impossible: Miracle Flight to England,” at

[6]See Defining Moments by Bill Johnson with Jennifer A. Miskov. Also, Roberts Liardon, “John G. Lake: A Man of Healing” in God’s Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed, (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1996), 179 and John G. Lake, compiled by Gordon Lindsay, John G. Lake: Apostle to Africa (Dallas, Texas: Christ for the Nations, 1981), 22-24.

[7] See Jennifer A. Miskov, “Signs, Synery, and Family,” at


Jennifer Miskov
Signs, Synergy, and Family

by Jennifer A. Miskov, PhD

An Unforgettable Ephesians 3:20 Moment at Destiny House

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think, according to the power that works in us…” Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV)

Something profound happened on our last “family night” together with the Destiny House ladies of 2013-2014. This unique sign happened in May 2014 which happened to be in the first few weeks we had all 3 floors of the house released to us. I had bought special goodbye gifts for each of the ladies while I was on a road trip in Oregon several months earlier. There, I came across these little silver puzzle pieces that had different declarations on them like “I am powerful” or “I am valuable.” These were the perfect goodbye gifts because they represented that we are all an important piece of the puzzle in the Body of Christ.

A few months later when it was nearing our last evening together, I decided to pair this gift with a small key. I had some silver and some gold keys left over from an event we did at our 1 year Anniversary of Destiny House in 2013 entitled “God Holds the Key to Your Destiny.” At first, I picked out the silver keys to accompany the silver puzzle piece. Then the idea hit me to give them gold keys instead so that it would tie the Silver to Gold theme. I also prayed that God would provide a chain because I thought these items would make a great necklace.

Angela and Amy who served at Destiny House for the year as house moms also bought everyone goodbye gifts on their own. I had no idea what they had bought but was praying it would synergize with my gifts. On a side note, it was in their process of buying these gifts that Angela ran into a friend in the store who offered her and Amy a place to live for free all summer. That was another bonus.

Now back to our story. When Angela and Amy gave out their gifts that night, I was blown away at how even in the little things and the minute details, God showered His pleasure upon us. I was in awe of God’s handiwork and favor when I saw what had happened. They had given each one a necklace that had a silver butterfly and also a gold pendant that said “Destiny.” The butterfly is my logo for Silver to Gold and “Destiny” represents our community. These two charms were presented on a chain to each one in the house.

Then it was my turn to give my gifts which I had arranged totally separate from talking to the other gift givers. When I gave my gifts, it felt like an Ephesians 3:20 moment. In the Greek, the words for “exceedingly” and “abundantly” are both powerful in their own right. However, when these words are placed together, it magnifies and multiplies their meanings in even greater measures. That night we received a beautiful outpouring of the Ephesians 3:20 promise of how God likes to do exceedingly abundantly above what we could ask, hope, dream, or imagine. God synergized and aligned our gifts without us ever saying a word to each other. I love how the Holy Spirit moves in the most detailed of ways within communities who love to worship Him and are committed to one another. May this testimony stir you to go deeper spiritually with those in the community God has placed you in. May the bond of love you share and your desire to give God glory release unique signs, wonders, and Ephesians 3:20 moments in increasing measures.

If you want to read about miracle flight that happened when I wore this necklace a few months later see Stepping into the Impossible

See also God Holds the Key to Our Destiny

Jessika Tate
Feasting on God: The Lost Art of Fasting (now Fasting for Fire)

The following blog became the inspiration for my new book Fasting for Fire which builds and goes deeper into this theme as well as adds the voices and experiences of Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, and Lou Engle.



by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

Part 1: Staying Full of the Oil

I want my lamp to be full of oil so that when it’s time to cast out demons, love the broken hearted, or release courage, I am ready. I want to be flooded with God’s love so much that the overflow spills out to those around me. I want to be one of the five virgins who remain ready for the arrival of the bridegroom. I want to enter into all that God has for me. It’s not about entering heaven and avoiding hell. What I am talking about is being totally possessed by the Holy Spirit and ever ready to step into the fullness of my God-given destiny. I want to be ready to advance the kingdom of God in season and out. I am talking about living the adventurous and abundant life that Jesus died for us to have, not just settling for a one way ticket to heaven. Fasting and other spiritual disciplines launch us into the world of impossibilities where we must learn to soar as our only option. If you are ready for an adventure into the depths of God’s heart, read on.

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said, ‘Open the door for us!’ But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’ Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” Matthew 25:1-13 (NIV)

Let me rephrase the last line. Therefore keep watch, remain full, stay ready, for you do not know when God is going to act next. He wants you to be ready so that even if it’s midnight or an hour you least expect, you are full of Him and ready to partner with Him. One of the reasons why I fast as a regular part of my life is because I want to remain full, focused, and engaged in Him. I want to remain hungry for Him. Fasting is one way that helps keep me aligned with His heart and ready to step into all that He has for me.

The Purpose of Fasting

Fasting cultivates hunger for more of God. Fasting is feasting upon God. It is a way to accelerate and speed up your walk with God. It is an invitation to greater levels of intimacy. It is also a powerful weapon that can be used to tear down strongholds, set the oppressed free, heal the sick, align destinies, and stir up hunger for more of God. Our motives should be to seek the face of Jesus above all else (Joel 2:12; Zechariah 7:5; Acts 13:2)

Motivations for Fasting

  • Grow in Hunger for God

  • Regain focus

  • Reposition or seek alignment

  • Freedom from addiction or from habitual patterns of sin/bondage or to set others free (Isaiah 58:6/Luke 9:1-2)

  • Spiritual Warfare (casting out demons: Matthew 17:21)

  • Guidance in decisions (Daniel 9:2-22)

  • To humble yourself (Psalm 69:10; John 4:8)

  • Spiritually cleansing, renewing, refining fire

  • Develop fruit of the Spirit, self-control

  • Grow in intercessory prayer

  • To sow into future seasons

  • To prepare for stepping into greater measures of empowerment and anointing

Fasting to Bring Breakthrough

While fasting is one key to bring breakthrough, it is not always the only one God calls us to use in a situation. Sometimes breakthrough comes through fasting (Matthew 17:21) while other times it comes when loosing the chains of injustice and giving to the poor (Isaiah 58). Sometimes the key to breakthrough is found in giving away all your money to the poor (Matthew 19:21) and other times it comes when washing in the river seven times (2 Kings 5). Sometimes it is when your friends tear off the roof of a house so you can be healed (Luke 5:17-26) and sometimes it is simply in touching the hem of His garment (Matthew 9:20-22). The keys to our breakthroughs are different at different times. Sometimes what brought us a breakthrough in one season will not work in the next. That is why it important to spend time with God and be led by the Spirit in all things. With that said, fasting is one ready key that Jesus regularly states can bring breakthrough in different areas, especially in the area of freeing people from demonic oppression. Richard Foster states that “fasting can bring breakthroughs in the spiritual realm that will never happen in any other way.”[i]

Part 2: Secrets of the Inner Lives of Revivalists

Testimonies of Fasting Revivalists

Many of the great revivalists and strong Christian leaders we look up to regularly fast and stay full of the oil. Many of the spiritual heroes we look up to fast regularly or have even done 40 days fasts. Rolland and Heidi Baker and their Mozambiquan community fast every Monday as a part of their normal spiritual lives. When I was in Mozambique working in a refugee camp called Camp 2000, I was struck by 11 year old named Rafael who went on a seven day fast all on his own because his heart broke for the people in the nearby villages. What if fasting wasn’t something that is rare? What would happen if fasting became a regular part of life rather than something that’s exceptional? I wonder what type of extraordinary miracles, anointing, or power might be released when the body of Christ strengthens her muscles in this way.

Besides Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, Peter, John, many others, and Jesus Himself, here are a few specific testimonies of how some of our heroes regularly fasted and the impact it has had on their lives. All of the following mentioned below were included in the book I helped Bill Johnson write called Defining Moments.


John Wesley (1703-1791) and his community formed this group they called the Holy Club. They fasted every week together as a community, training themselves to walk in the fullness of all that God had for them in their generation. He was a part of forming the Methodist church.

Charles Finney (1792-1875) prepared for revivals by sending and organizing teams to pray, fast, and spread the word before he arrived. His prayer warrior Daniel Nash went in before him for a few weeks or even months, to pray, fast, and prepare the fallow ground for the seeds that were about to be sown. Finney became known as the father of modern revivalism.


Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) who moved in great anointing and power, fasted every Sunday and he never remembered “seeing less that fifty souls saved by the power of God in the meetings with the children, in the hospitals, on the ships, and in the Salvation Army.”[i] Following a turning point in his marriage and deep conviction to turn back to God, Wigglesworth decided to give ten days to praying and fasting to get his heart right. Following this time of sanctification and consecration unto the Lord, there was a marked change in him. His temper and moodiness left.[ii]

One fun story of how God used fasting in Wigglesworth’s life to release the kingdom happened later on in his life when he received a telegram to pray for a dangerously ill boy in England. Once he arrived in the town, his determination to see the boy’s healing caused him to go another nine miles on bicycle to get to the farm where the boy lay. When he arrived, his mother told him it was too late because her son was nearly dead. Wigglesworth told her that God never sends him anywhere too late. He prayed and fasted and then asked the parents to dry the boy’s clothes so they would be ready to put on. Smith then went off to church and came back only to find that the parents had not done as he asked. He went and got the clothes and had someone put the boy’s stockings on him. Then he asked everyone to leave and he shut the door behind him. When he began to pray and touched the boy’s hand, the power of God invaded the room and knocked Smith to the floor. He laid there in the glory for over 15 minutes. During this time, the boy regained his strength so much so that he was shouting joyously. After the boy dressed, he ran to tell his parents the great news but found them on the floor in the kitchen as a result of the glory that filled the house. “The daughter who had been brought from the asylum and whose mind was still affected was made perfectly whole that day. That whole village was moved and a revival began that day.”[iii]

Rees Howells.png

Rees Howells (1879-1950) valued the hidden life. He entered one season by embracing aspects of the Nazarite vow. During this time, he fasted two meals a day. He also set himself apart by not wearing a hat during a time in the U.K. when that would have been seen as a cultural embarrassment. During this season, he also spent three hours every night on his knees from 6:00-9:00 p.m., two hours reading the Bible and one hour of waiting on God. Howells recalls of this precious time of prayer and fasting,

“Although we may be away from the presence of people, how hard it is to silence the voices of self. But after a time the Lord brought me to the place where the moment I shut the door at six o’clock, I left the world outside and had access into the presence of God.”[iv]

John G. Lake (1870-1935) went to prayer and fasting for 9 months waiting on God before he had his Spirit Baptism electricity encounter in October of 1907. It was after praying for 9 months and virtually giving up, while praying with Hezmalhalch for a sick woman, the Spirit possessed Lake afresh like lightning and he received his Spirit baptism and spoke in tongues.

Randy Clark (1952-present) had a series of prophetic words and impartations that marked his life and prepared him for what would prove to be the launching point for his ministry in 1994, the Toronto Blessing. He also is known to have gone on several 40 day fasts as well as other smaller fasts. He fasted while he traveled to conferences because he was so hungry for God and to receive impartation.


Heidi Baker (1959-present) a few months after her conversion, while on a 5 day fast, she was taken up in a vision for a few hours and heard the call to minister in Asia, England, and Africa. It was during a fast that she received her life defining call. In her own words she reflects on this time.

“In May toward the end of the semester I went on a five-day fast to find out more from God about what to do with my life. On the night of the fifth day I expectantly went to the Roarks’ little Pentecostal church in the country and was drawn to the altar. I knelt down and lifted my arms to the Lord. Suddenly I felt taken to a new heavenly place. Pastor Roark was preaching, but I couldn’t hear his loud, powerful voice at all. God’s glory came to me again, wrapping me in a pure and brilliant white light. I was overwhelmed by who He is. I had never felt so loved, and I began to weep. This time He spoke to me audibly. ‘I am calling you to be a minister and a missionary,’ He said. ‘You are to go to Africa, Asia and England.’ Again my heart was pounding and racing. I thought I might die.” [v]

Most of the leaders mentioned above had powerful movements and ministries. They all had one thing in common in that they regularly fasted at different times in their lives. For some it was preparation and proceeded great outpourings, for others it was simply a discipline of remaining full. Still others experienced life defining calls, increased power and anointing in their ministry, and greater intimacy with the Lord.

If you notice from these testimonies, there are seasons for feasting and there are seasons for fasting.

“Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. Some people came and asked Jesus, ‘How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but you are not?’ Jesus answered, ‘How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast.” Mark 2:18-20 (NIV)

Be led of the Spirit always.

Destiny House Rhythm

As Destiny House, we fast as a community every Monday. Then on the Monday evening, we break fast together and have a family meal. Corporate and regular fasts can be powerful. When something comes up that needs a miracle or breakthrough, we are already fasting so we can link arms in prayer. When we eventually are able to host missionaries and leaders who come to visit, we will be able to fast and pray ahead of time for the breakthrough they are seeking. Learning the discipline of regular fasting will help prepare each one if there is ever a season that God calls them to a longer fast. We also do a week fast once a year to prepare, pray, and sow into the upcoming season. This has a powerful impact on the whole year following because powerful seeds are sown. These smaller fasts help prepare people so that when it’s time to step into longer fast as they are led of the Spirit, they are trained, prepared, and ready.I want people to be ready if they feel led to fast for 3 days, or a week, or even for 40 days. Because we are practicing fasting in the peaceful times, we will be ready when the battle arises. It’s kind of like how the Navy Seals train and prepare rigorously so that when it’s time to be sent on a mission they are ready. They don’t get ready right before they get sent. They live ready.

I Like to Fast

Yes, I am one of those weird people who actually enjoys the spiritual discipline of fasting. It’s not that I don’t enjoy food, it’s just that I love that I can position myself to experience more of God by setting myself totally apart just to hunger after Him. He is my portion and my prize. The reasons I fast at different times vary. Generally though, I fast to grow in my hunger for God and to keep my lamp full of oil. I want to stay prepared and to stay filled. If one can take dominion over their body with self-control, they will be able to take dominion over other things as well. If one can’t have self-control over their body, they may have limited authority over other things. Fasting is also practice for taking dominion over spiritual strongholds.

It is important to keep fasting in balance and not to come under the law, judgement, or condemnation with it. Only the Holy Spirit can really sustain you on a fast and you should always be led by the Spirit into all things. It’s not by our own might or power, but by His Spirit that we will be sustained during a time of fasting. Make sure God is on it or else you may just fast to get hungry. Other times, you may feel that you want to initiate a fast because you want to honor God, consecrate yourself, sow into future seasons, or do it simply as an act of worship unto God. As long as your heart remains pure and you are not doing it to try and manipulate God or for personal and self-righteous gain, there are great rewards in fasting (Matthew 6:16-18).

Here's Why I Fast

  • To be more desperate for God

  • To commune with God

  • To be hungry for God

  • To be purified and sanctified afresh for His purposes in my life

  • To be set apart for Him

  • To sow into the next season of my life

  • Because Jesus fasted

  • To tap into the wells that other revivalists have tapped into

  • To stay ready to step into what God is doing

  • To keep my lamp full of oil

  • To see breakthrough

  • To stay focused on the things of God

  • As an act of consecration and worship unto Him

Part 3: Practical Tips for Fasting

What fasting looks like practically is abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. It is regularly linked to prayer. You can also fast for a time from things like T.V., secular music, Facebook, social media, shopping, sugar, coffee, etc. Fasting is not explicitly stated as a commandment in the Bible possibly because it was assumed that believers fasted as a regular part of their spirituality. There seems to be an assumption in Scripture that if people followed Jesus, then they would regularly fast because He fasted. Further, in a similar way in which He said “when you give to the needy,” implying that that was normal and expected part of spirituality, Jesus also said in Matthew 6:16 “When you fast…” He did not say “if” you fast. If Jesus is our model and He regularly fasted, then we ought to follow in His footsteps.

Jesus fasted as He was led by the Spirit for preparation for a new season (Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:9-13). Immediately after He returned from His extended fast, He was launched into His ministry. Longer fasts have proven significant for many leaders in launching them and their ministry into a greater measure of destiny as will be mentioned more.

Different Types of Fasts

  • Absolute Fast: no food or water (sometimes done in emergencies: Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9; Deut. 9:9,18; Exodus 34:28)

  • Full Fast: water only fast (Matthew 4:2)

  • Partial Fast: a restriction of diet but not total abstaining from food (Daniel 1:15, 10:3)

  • Private fasts: the most common fasts, should be done undercover (Matt. 6:16)

  • Regular fasts: done once or twice each week as a discipline (Zech. 8:19; Luke 18:12)

  • Public/Corporate fasts: sometimes called in times of group or national emergencies (Joel 2:15; 2 Chron. 20:1-4; Ezra 8:21-23)

Start Small

Start small and celebrate your successes. Start with a partial fast and skip two meals one day while drinking lots of water. If that’s too hard, try drinking juice. Remember that fasting is not just abstaining from food but it is also filling our bodies with something better, the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Spend the time you would normally have spent eating, alone with Him in prayer, in the Word, or on waiting on Him. During your normal day when you get hunger pains, turn towards God in prayer. For longer fasts, it is advisable to eat fruit before. Come off the fast with a light meal of fruits or vegetables and then work your way towards weightier meals.


“More than any other Discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us.”[i] -Richard Foster

I find that day 1-2 are the hardest of any fast, no matter how long the fast ends up being. Usually after making it past day 3, it gets much easier. Be aware of what comes up for you during a fast. Are you easily irritated, feeling out of control, or experiencing some other extreme mood shift? What things are you running to rather than food? Ask the Holy Spirit what is really going on during these times and what He might be bringing up within you to heal. Ask God to go to the root. I encourage you to press in, worship, pray, scream, dance, intercede, contend, or whatever you feel you need to do to take hold of God when the hunger gets severe. There have been some times where I went days without eating and avoided God by being busy to mask the hunger pains rather than turn to Him. I have been pleasantly surprised by rich encounters in His presence when I chose not simply to abstain from food but more importantly during that time, to instead feast on the living God. Songs have been birthed, Scripture has been revealed at new depths, healing has come when I have positioned myself at His feet instead of trying to stay busy to avoid the hunger. Fasting is not just going without food, it must also be feasting on God. The fast is the most effective when these two are married together.

How to Break a Fast

It is important to break the fast well to avoid injuring your stomach or harming your body. You body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so make sure to be wise and steward what goes in there well. Breaking a fast is usually good with liquids, fruit juices, and then moving on to fruit and vegetables. Slowly integrate more regular foods into your diet depending on how long the fast was. Come off the fast with a light meal of fruits or vegetables and then work your way towards weightier meals.

One thing I do want to share is that in many of my fasts, I don’t feel anything during the time I am fasting. Most of my major breakthroughs, increased anointings have come in the season following my fast. Several of my books including Silver to Gold, Water to Wine,  and Life on Wings were birthed after longer fasts. Destiny House came right after a long fast as well. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel anything or see what you have been praying for during the fast. While you are setting yourself apart for the Lord, He is at work behind the scenes on your behalf.

I hope this has been a helpful start to deeper engagement with the living God. Be led of the Spirit into fasting, it should always draw you closer to Jesus. May you be inspired to seek the Lord in more desperate measures. May fasting be a strength and one of the ways to help position you to feast more upon God. Join our Destiny House family as we regularly and corporately fast on Mondays. As you embark in this adventure into the heart of God, may you experience His love in greater measures and be perfectly positioned to enter into the feast with the bridegroom.


Further Resources


In Jen’s Walking on Water Encounter E-Course, she shares her heart, personal experiences, practical tips, and testimonies from the role fasting has had in her life and in others and how you can position yourself to tap into even more that God has for you today.


Walking on Water

Encounter E-Course with a session on Fasting



Part 1: [i] Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline (New York, NY: HarperOne, 1978, reprint 1998), 60.

Part 2: [i]Stanley Howard Frodsham, Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith (London: Elim Publishing Co., Ltd, 1949), 5-6.

[ii]Smith Wigglesworth, Faith that Prevails (Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1938, 1966), 61.

[iii]Stanley Howard Frodsham, Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith (London: Elim Publishing Co., Ltd, 1949), 30-31.

[iv] Norman P. Grubb, Rees Howells: Intercessor (Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications, 2008 reprint from 1952), 114.

[v] Rolland and Heidi Baker There’s Always Enough (Sovereign World Ltd, England: 2003), 23-27.

Part 3: [i] Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline (New York, NY: HarperOne, 1978, reprint 1998), 55.

Positioning Ourselves to Feast upon God: Revival of the Disciplines

by Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D.

“The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”  -Richard Foster

God wants to free people from fear. He wants to raise up His bride to embrace all He has in this new season. One of the ways He wants to equip people to step into all that He has is to bring a resurgence of what has been overlooked, forgotten, abused, broken, misunderstood, or misappropriated. God is raising up an army of lovers who will go anywhere and do anything for him. When I hear people say that they want to be like Heidi Baker, John Wesley, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Rees Howells, Saint Francis of Assisi, or even Jesus, I encourage them to follow in their footsteps and embrace the things they embraced. These all practiced spiritual disciplines. They all lived with their lamps full of oil. They all regularly positioned themselves to step into all that God has by integrating the spiritual disciplines into their daily lives. If we want to walk in same authority, dominion, power, love, intimacy as these, a good start is to discover and tap into similar wells where they found life.

Purpose of Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are for the purpose of knowing God. We practice spiritual disciplines so that we can live deep within the heart of God. We commit to walk the path of spiritual disciplines so that we can choose God first and feast upon Him. I regularly go to the lake and spend time waiting on God, being with Him, reading His Word, playing with Him, or simply resting in Him. I long to be with Him alone. No one else and nothing else can ever satisfy. Choosing to embrace the disciplines will help position us to be with the One we love. Contending for space with the living God for the sole purpose of communing with Him is invaluable.

Richard Foster says in his Celebration of Discipline that “The purpose of the Disciplines is liberation from the stifling slavery to self-interest and fear. When the inner spirit is liberated from all that weighs it down, it can hardly be described as dull drudgery. Singing, dancing, even shouting characterize the Disciplines of the spiritual life!”*Spiritual disciplines, including prayer, meditation, fasting, reading the Word, worship, and community help us to align our lives more with heaven. The disciplines are an invitation to explore the hidden crevices of the Father’s heart. This world is crying out for deep people who can live from a place of interwoveness with the Creator. Foster says that “The classical Disciplines of the spiritual life call us to move beyond surface living into the depths.”* There is so much more of the Father’s heart to explore and the disciplines simply help take us on that journey.

Everyone connects with God differently according to their personality and how they are wired. Some people connect with God in nature or in silence while others connect with Him during activity or through music or dance. Practicing the disciplines helps everyone, regardless of how they are wired, tap into a greater measure of the heart of God.

The Spiritual Disciplines

  • Deepen our connection with God
  • Bring us into greater union with God
  • Invite us to feast upon God
  • Position us to hear God’s voice
  • Align us to receive God’s blessings
  • Prepare us to step into the kingdom
  • Keep our lamps full of oil

Spiritual Disciplines Release Freedom

The Spiritual disciplines are intended to bring freedom and liberation. The motivation should always be a longing to know God more (Psalm 42:1-2). The disciplines bring focus, self-control, and pave the way to walk on the highway of holiness. It is the pure in heart that see God. The disciplines also can act as a purifying fire. While there is always the danger of the disciplines degenerating into law and empty ritualistic practice, fear of this happening should not be greater than the drive to take hold of the King of kings by positioning ourselves in front of His throne. The disciplines help us do just that.

Some people confuse the disciplines with striving or trying to manipulate or control God when in reality that could not be farther from the truth. While only God can grow us spiritually, there are things we can do to prepare and cultivate our lives to invite this. One helpful example of explaining spiritual disciplines is likening it to farming. A farmer can’t make the seeds grow. However, he can plant the seeds, cultivate the ground, water the crops and create an environment that invites this growth. When the sun shines and the rain comes, saturating what he has cultivated, life springs forth (Galatians 5:22-25). The same is true for us. We all have seeds of destiny deposited in our hearts. As we cultivate and tend to our hearts by practicing the disciplines and thus positioning ourselves under the waterfall of God’s grace, when the outpouring comes, we are ready to receive. The floods will cause our dreams to spring forth (Isaiah 61:11).

Another benefit of the disciplines can be likened to training for sports. Athletes don’t win gold medals by sitting at home and watching television. They train their bodies for the big race. Similarly, spiritual disciplines can also act as spiritual training for us to be ready to advance the kingdom of God. Because we have been building our spiritual muscles and regularly filling our lamps with oil, we will be ready to set the oppressed free, tear down demonic strongholds, release healing, and love the broken when the need arises.

Freedom to Soar in His Presence

If you have been under an oppressive system of law rather than love and grace or have run from the spiritual disciplines because you have been wounded by their inappropriate and legalistic implementation, today is your day to be set free. I invite you to no longer react out of fear. God wants time with you. It takes discipline to set aside and guard time for Him alone. You will have to fight a million battles to protect your time with God. Discipline will help you win those battles. Discipline is not intended to imprison you but instead to bind you to Christ Himself. Motivated through your relationship with Christ and by following the leading of the Spirit, may God use the spiritual disciplines to free you to fully explore and dive even deeper into the heart of God. I release you from fear in Jesus’ name. I release grace to forgive those who have hurt you through legalism. I impart courage to dive into a new world of forsaking all other lovers. Today, I invite you to be compelled to set everything aside for the sole purpose of beholding Jesus.

“Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear;

though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek:

that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.”

Psalm 27

See also Feasting on God: The Lost Art of Fasting (Part 1)

*All Richard Foster quotes come from Celebration of Discipline (New York, NY: HarperOne, 1978, reprint 1998), 1-2.